ODT to DOC Converter
Free online conversion from ODT file to DOC
Open Text Document File Format
Is a word processing file associated with the OpenOffice writer software.
Microsoft Word Binary File Format
A popular word processing file format created for use with Microsoft Word. Due to its popularity many free word processing programs support the format including OpenOffice.
Steps to Convert ODT to DOC
Step 1
Drag and drop your ODT document file(s) into the blue box or click "choose a file" to select from your computer.
Step 2
Review each file to check if it is indeed the one you want to convert. If not click the trash button and select a new one.
Step 3
Click the convert button. Your file(s) will begin to upload and the status of the conversion process will be shown.
Step 4
Once the conversion process is complete a list of your new DOC's will appear. Click the "download" link to save the file to your device.