MP3 to SND Converter
Free online conversion from MP3 file to SND
MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3
MP3 is a lossy audio file format, which was first released by the Moving Picture Experts Group in 1993.
MS-DOS Audio
Most commonly a .snd file contains a NeXT sound file.
Steps to Convert MP3 to SND
Step 1
Drag and drop your MP3 audio file(s) into the blue box or click "choose a file" to select from your computer.
Step 2
Review each file to check if it is indeed the one you want to convert. If not click the trash button and select a new one.
Step 3
Click the convert button. Your file(s) will begin to upload and the status of the conversion process will be shown.
Step 4
Once the conversion process is complete a list of your new SND's will appear. Click the "download" link to save the file to your device.